This weekend was amazing. On Friday night the gallery opened early for family and we had some wine and looked at all the pieces. So much good stuff! I'm going back to take pictures next Monday so I can post them here. Friends came and brought beers and everyone was in a great mood. It felt a little like a wedding though in that you have two hours to talk to a million people and it goes by in a flash. Afterwards I had that day after Christmas feeling where you're like...oh wait, it's over? What now?
Saturday I thought we had to be there all day so I went to school for my abnormal psych class at 9am and then headed over to the gallery at noon. It was completely empty. My mom and pa came up to the gallery and checked everything out with me. It was spooky being in there with maybe two other people. It was St. Patrick's day and everything was pretty horrible downtown AHHHHHHHH - slutbarf was everywhere and girls that were way too young were chugging whiskey and every single person it seemed had on green, except me and the frat boys were playing with their junk and saying chug alot and there were drunk people holding babies and leprechauns snapping bras and get the picture. So we packed up into my mom's van and I drove us out of downtown. We had to go south to go north because the traffic was in....sane. It was fun having them in town for a couple of days. My mom and Jerry are such a hoot. We went to Red Apple which is a polish buffet and ate far too much food. Afterwards we went back to the house and I put my mom down for a nap and got ready for the show at Quenchers. Quenchers was awesome. Lots of people there and we played two sets. One sober, one blitzed but since everybody else was wasted I don't think anybody cared. Our friends are awesome.
So, I guess it's time to start a new project. I have an idea of what I want to do but I'm not sure exactly how to configure the situation so I'm going to think about it for a couple of days. I do know it will have to do with Jew Holes or...the hole in the sheet.