Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Show!

Three weeks ago a woman from a gallery called Brick contacted me to be a part of a show on May 3rd.   I have be at school to fire the piece tomorrow at 2:30.  Though I haven't been procrastinating I haven't started the project yet.   Work has been insane and I'm playing with not on my band, but another band (the Heavy Bombers...yay!) on May 12th.  It's going to be really fun but I'm having to put in some serious practice time.

The show's theme is "food".  My idea is to build a huge, oversized shishkabob with human feet and hands as the meat.  I made a regular sized one out of sculpey a few years ago with baby feet and hands.  So I guess the deal is, I gotta be up all night tonight to finish this thing, then it needs to dry for 7 hours in my oven then I bring it in at 2:30.  It's a snap right?  Heheh...We'll see.

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