I went to Colorado in August. My brother in law picked us up from the airport for the four hour drive to Aspen. Dead in the middle of the trip he got a flat. We pulled over and the Barlow men started to change the tire. I wandered off into the brush and started looking around. Under one of the bushes was an extremely large animal's spinal chord, still intact. There were other bones as well plus part of the skull and some teeth. I ran back to the car and emptied out my backpack and went back and filled it up with bones. Sure I got some funny looks from the family about a. the fact that I filled a bag with side of highway bones and b. the fact that I was Very excited to have said bag of bones. It was the best ending to a flat tire ever. Fate!
Much discussion was had about how I was going to get the bones back to Chicago. I'd had a little argument with an extremely flawed member of the TSA on the way out of Chicago and didn't want to deal with them again so it was decided I'd box the bones and ship them back to Chicago. Voila!
Box of Bones in Mah House
Now to figure out what to use them for.
Box of bones is currently frozen under the deck.